Thursday, April 30, 2015


As Rav Nachman Bullman once told me, the practice of telling women they are more spiritual than men is actually subtly condescending. I think the logic would go like this. Men run the religion. Obviously, you are not going to hand the religion to the less spiritual person, so one might take this as an insult to women. But then we explain, that women have their own arena, their own role which is equally important and shows their equal but different capabilities. That's believable and supportable by Torah sources. But to say that really the ones who don't run things are superior. You have to be pretty stupid to believe it and pretty condescending to expect that anyone will believe it.

It has been my experience that the men who are the most vociferous about putting forth apologetics are the most arrogant.

Monday, April 27, 2015

R' Leo Jung

Woman is freed from a number of positive commands the observance of which depends on a certain time of the day or season of the year. The Jewish man thanks the Lord for having a much greater platform of duties. But woman has an excellent argument. She is willing to recognize the larger quantity of her husband's obligations. Her major duties have to do with the spirit of the home and the education of the children which are decisive for the welfare of the family and the future of the nation. What she loses in quantity, she more than regains in quality. It is therefore that with a smile on her lips and deep satisfaction in her heart, she blesses the Lord, "Who has made me according His will."

R' Leo Jung , Between Man and Man p. 22