Wednesday, May 19, 2021

why don't women sit in the succah

 1:22:20 271 - Tenants in This World

his answer basically is she is busy with babies

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

immodest attire

 In fairness to the fake frum women and their immodest attire, their inexcusable lapse in observance isn't coming from nowhere. Most of the frum world is very weak in emunah these days. the husbands dress more modestly than the wives, but aren't necessarily filling the house with yiras shemayim. These things all go together. Unfortunately, even among the supposedly frummer people today, there has developed an equation of being frum with going to daf yomi class. all the other mitzvos and especially yiras Hashem have been lost. In many ways, the immodest attire is a symptom of a deeper problem.