Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Why is it that Hashem is referred to as “He” or “Him”? Why don’t we say “She” or “Her”?


Why is it that Hashem is referred to as “He” or “Him”? Why don’t we say “She” or “Her”?

Because we’re not completely meshuga yet. We didn’t get there just yet.

Look; here’s a man and he has a beard. A woman has no beard, right? You’ve see many women in your life and you’re yet to see a woman with a beard. And a man is taller than a woman. A woman is the shorter of the two. That’s how Hashem made this world; the man is the more powerful. He’s stronger, bigger, and he instills more fear.

So, if you’re going to choose a model, a model for one who’s in charge of the world, are you going to choose the model of a soft, sweet woman?! Isn’t that being ridiculous?!

And that’s why we have a government today that takes our money to pay women to be policewoman. Because people are stupid. People are ridiculous. I’m walking down Kings Highway, and here’s a policeman, six feet high, and standing next to him is a policewoman who is up to his belly-button! It’s a joke, a waste of our money. It’s just liberal window-dressing that costs us money for nothing.

The whole idea of elevating women to places of power, is nothing but the insanity of the liberals. Women are dignified and are to be honored and the Jewish women are a treasure; they are the foundation of our nation. But do they represent strength and power and control? Does the woman signify might?! And therefore, there is no question that when you speak of Hakodosh Boruch Hu, we speak of Him as a man.

Rav Avigdor Miller TAPE # 990 (December 1994)

Monday, September 5, 2022

Rabbi Shloma Majeski

Regarding Why don’t girls need to wear a yarmulke? by Rabbi Shloma Majeski, see Sichos in English, Iyar-Tammuz 5744, Vol. 21, pp. 69-72, N’shei Convention. The Rebbe says: "We shall resolve this difficulty by first explaining why in general there are certain mitzvos which women are not obligated to carry out. It is not because women are inferior to men. It is because G-d has given each Jew a mission uniquely suited to the individual: A task for men and a separate task for women – and a mission common to both men and women." He doesn't say it's because women are superior, just that they aren't inferior.        ----    Your explanation appears to be feminist apologetics. Women cover their head with a sheitel or scarf. In fact that's a requirement from the Torah. Men's head covering is a custom. 

As for the kabbalah, the source of all Jews is in the atzmus. It is channeled through lower sources. The source for men is chochmah and z'eir anpin. The source for women is binah and malchus, both of which are lower than their pairs. If the source for malchus is higher within keser, that doesn't make women higher. As we see the higher source in keser results in a lower sefirah. Higher goes lower.

Chabad is based largely on the Maharal, so see Maharal Tiferes Yisroel 28 and 4. He contradicts what you are saying there and in many other places. Maharal (Avos 1:5): On 'Don’t have excessive idle conversations with women', he says, "This is what is meant that when the woman was created that Satan was created with her. In other words this is referring to the level of man because the male is on a higher level than the female." See Maharal, Gur Aryeh, Vayikra 12:2, beginning of parshas Tazriah where he says, "One sees that the working of the creation is always that the one at a higher level comes last. So here, the male is last since he is more chashuv. In this is the reason behind the saying of the Rabbis that the woman matures more quickly than the man – the girl at twelve and a day and the boy at thirteen and a day. This is the completion of their maturity. This all follows from the principle that each thing with more completeness, its completion comes last. There, the formation of the male is last and not first." Maharal (Bava Metzia 59a): "All those who follow the advice of their wife fall into Gehinom – This is truly incredible. We explain this also in relationship to Avos (1:5), All those who talk a lot with their wives are idle from words of Torah and in the end they inherit Gehinom. You should know that the woman is compared to Substance while the man is compared to the Form in every place. And when the Form is not separated from the Substance but rather the Form follows after the Substance entirely – he falls in Gehinom. That is because it is well known that the deficit is attached and bound with the Substance. This is alluded to by the Sages when they noted that when the woman was created the Samech was created with her. Because we don’t find the letter Samech in the Torah until the woman was created. ויסגר בשר תחתנה Bereishis (2:21) and closed up the flesh. That teaches you that with the woman was attached the deficit which is Satan who is the Angel of Death. "  

I'm not suggesting you tell the world women are on a lower level but certainly don't teach the opposite. It isn't what women really want to hear and it demoralizes the men and creates shalom bayis problems.