Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Maharal - men excel in Chochmah, women in Binah.

Baal HaTanya (a descendant of the Maharal) - Chochmah is higher than Binah.

"The soul-faculties of “knowledge” (Daat) and “understanding” (Binah) are lower than Chochmah; yet the level of Chochmah is prevented from acting upon them (and upon the other, still lower, faculties) as long as they are immersed in mundane pleasures. Thus, the Chochmah of their divine soul is dormant, not dead. It has lost none of its potency, only its ability to exercise it; just as when one sleeps he retains full possession of his faculties though he cannot use them." Today's Tanya Lesson, Shevat 10, 5779 · January 16, 2019, Likutei Amarim, Chapter 19