Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Baal HaTanya

Torah Ohr, Volume 1, Parshas Vayigash, page 86 in the standard Kehot edition

Talks about how the higher source becomes lower when put in this world. Also the higher depends on the lower. Thus the grass depends on dirt but not the reverse because the grass is higher. You see in this some reflection of the higher source of the dirt even though it is lower in this world.

R' Hirsch and Magen Avraham

Rav Hirsch says women have more enthusiasm for their mitzvos. This doesn't mean they would have more for the men's mitzvos. Indeed we see in the Zies Ra'anan (Magen Avraham) that women are exempt from positive time bound commandments because their yetzer tov is smaller and if commanded would likely not be motivated to perform them.