Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Harsh Words for Aish

The Aish view is invalid. It's made up and lacks Torah commentators. It involves a comparison between men and women and that's where it goes off. If you want to say women are great nurturers, they live a life of chesed -like R' Miller does, that's focusing on one positive aspect. That's fine. But that's not what they do. Rather, they put down men, just like American TV commercials and sitcoms. They claim to have the whole picture. They say that when the men march off to minyan it's because they are lower than women and need to catch up to them. It's so toxic and emasculating and discouraging. It causes divorce and shiduch problems. It causes young men with poor self esteem to go off the derech. It causes women to say, I'm complete, no need for me to put in effort at being a Jew. A young BT told me the other day, she was told women are at the top and just need to hold on. No need to grow. So I guess Moshe Feinstein had to spend his life catching up to 12 year old girls who are born holy and complete. That's the Aish approach, which is not an approach of course, it's an act of tiva - the Satan desires Chava. It's the work of the Satan, possibly even the eruv rav. It damages every home, or many homes. And it makes Aish a traife organization because the damage is so widespread and fundamental.

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