Sunday, August 10, 2014

Why the Spirituality Vort is an Act of Yetzer Hara

Because it's a chutzpah which works slightly differently for men and women. The idea that one is 'above' mitzvos which connect us to the Divine or even understands mitzvos, which are infinite in their purpose and meaning minimizes mitzvos and embarrasses them. The idea that one is above half the human race, including their fathers and grandfathers and gedolei hador and Avos is egotistical. It also defies logic. Is a 12 year old girl from Teaneck above Moshe Rabbeinu? This whole simplistic, pat women as better speech is lacking in discipline and intelligence. It's juvenile and that is a chutzpah and an act of yetzer hara. People are attracted to it in part because it's perverse. It's such a chidush because it's perverse. And people love perverse chidushim because it makes them look very, very smart. Ah, the whole human race thinks X, but I'm really smart and I know that the real truth is Y. Look how smart I am. A lot of evil in this world has been done by people who came up with radical explanations on life.

It also is a backdoor assault on the cavod of men. Tell me, if men are inferior  spiritually, then why are they the leaders? Maybe the women should be the rabbis and the spiritual authorities in the home.

So I'd worry about women for whom this concept resonates.

I'd worry about men for whom it resonates too, but doubt in most cases that they really believe it. Much of the time it's a case of the Satan lusting after Chava and telling her whatever he thinks she wants to hear. Truth is, few women want to see themselves as being better than men. Most just want respect and equality. The thirst for being better, for conquest, is masculine.

For Lubavitchers, the chutzpah has a special dimension because the Rebbe spoke on the topic of the exemption and said nothing about women being better. He said only they are not worse. He also said that women are connected to these mitzvos via their husbands, not that they are above the mitzvos. So half of Chabad tells me the Rebbe is moshiach and the other half tell me he was the gadol hador, yet they won't listen to him and utilize his explanation. And that is chutzpah and yetzer hara.

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